Using the list of Website Optimization Resources included in the Hosting Control Panel, you’re able to start popularizing your brand new web site, immediately after it has been developed. Using the RSS News software, you can quickly put a regularly kept up–to–date notifications section on your site. Utilizing the GeoIP re–direction tool, you’ll be able to redirect your site visitors based on their location. Additionally, from the Sitemap Generator, you can make a detailed sitemap for your web site and submit it to search engines.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap tool incorporated right into your Hosting Control Panel

If you have just recently launched your website and want it to get indexed quicker from the the major search engines, or if you want to present your users a quick way to browse through all of your web pages, you will need to employ a sitemap. Sitemap is known as a a set of all the webpages on your website that are hyperlinked to. Normally, you will need to depend on third–party applications to complete the task, however, with, you can get a Sitemap Generator integrated right into the Hosting Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator we supply is in fact simple to operate and since it’s truly compatible with the cloud hosting platform – your web site will be scanned really fast.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Simple location–based redirection

We supply a simple application, which will enable you to sort the customers of your website based upon their location. For example, using the GeoIP redirection application, you can quickly send all of the site visitors coming from Spain to the Spanish variant of your website in case you have such. This can help you focus on your visitors a lot more accurately and offer them with the on–site experience they anticipate.

No exclusive abilities or special know–how are needed to use the GeoIP re–direction instrument, and you no longer need to use .htaccess files to complete the task.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Display the most recent headlines within your website

What exactly is RSS? RSS is a method for publishing and gathering site content. It is becoming widely used by media websites, individual blogging sites, bulletins, etcetera. The submitted content is readily picked up through a feed reader and afterwards presented to the consumer. Using RSS, end users can collect updates from multiple web sites and go through them in a sole area.

With the RSS News Publication tool, you can quickly add headlines feeds coming from some of the world’s most famous information portals and present them on your own website.

RSS News