A data center is a special facility in which companies keep the hosting servers used for their offline or online services - Internet hosting, mail servers, computing, file storage, and so on. The data center offers the conditions for the servers accommodated there to function at their greatest capacity while sustaining their life. This is accomplished by offering exceptional environmental conditions - temperature, air humidity, protection against disasters, etc. All data centers also include electrical power and Internet backups, which are a safeguard in the event of infrastructural problems, and which guarantee the continuous functioning of the machines and the access to them. The restricted access to this type of facilities provides one more layer of protection against unauthorized access by third-parties. In the event that you use the online services of any company, a good data center will tremendously raise the standard of the service and your consumer experience.
Data centers in Hosting
If you choose to purchase a hosting plan from our company, you shall be able to select between 5 data centers on the order page and you can have your account set up in Colohouse (Chicago, USA), UK Servers (Coventry, England), Amaze (Sydney, AU), Ficolo (Pori, Finland) or S3Company (Sofia, BG). We have hosting servers in different locations in order to give you a choice to select the most suitable one for your websites, so both you and your site visitors can enjoy big loading speeds. Each of the facilities has 24/7 tech support, power generators and numerous Internet routes through some of the largest Internet service providers in the specific country. In addition to our revolutionary cloud hosting platform, this means quite simply no service interruptions of any kind, so your sites shall be up and running continuously. The facilities are some of the largest ones worldwide and some of them house even government machines, so collocating our machines there permits us to concentrate on adding new services and bettering the existing ones continuously.
Data centers in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you select one of our semi-dedicated server packages, you shall find five data centers to pick from on the order page. The reason to offer you a number of locations is to make certain that your visitors will enjoy fast loading speeds whatever their physical location. The innovative hosting platform we employ for the semi-dedicated accounts is available in all five places - the U.S., England, Bulgaria, AU and Finland, so you'll get the very same high-quality service no matter your choice. All five facilities employ enterprise-level UPS units and effective diesel generators to make sure that all web servers accommodated within every one of them will stay working in the case of a power failure. The connectivity to the servers is guaranteed by employing several Internet providers with direct fiber routes to key cities on each continent. If any unanticipated difficulty presents itself, it'll be resolved instantly by expert tech support crews that are available 24/7 in each one of the five facilities.
Data centers in VPS Servers
Our company offers KVM-based VPS servers in all different data center locations as to provide you with a choice to obtain an account in the most appropriate one with regards to the region that you'd like to target. The high loading speeds and uninterrupted access to your websites are guaranteed by employing redundant Tier-3 Internet Service Providers, while the constant functioning of the web servers is guaranteed by powerful diesel generators and an independent enterprise-class UPS attached to each of our machines. The data centers also employ last gen network devices and any issues which could show up are handled by knowledgeable on-site tech support crews. By storing our servers in these superb facilities, we can spend more time and efforts to offer you a larger far better array of services for your websites.
Data centers in Dedicated Servers
If you need a lot of computing power for your websites and you get one of the dedicated server plans which we provide, you will be able to take full advantage of the amazing service that our Chicago-based data center delivers. The Colohouse facility is the place where our dedicated servers are situated and hosting your websites there will allow you to reach the whole North American continent without any difficulty. Direct connections with the East and West Coasts, with numerous major cities in the area and even over the Atlantic guarantee the fast access speeds to your content. Your web server will never be inaccessible because it will have its own effective UPS unit which will keep it working until 1.5 MW diesel power generators kick in in case there is a power disruption. The 24/7 hosting server maintenance team will react very quickly in case there's any issue with your machine and we have spare parts and whole backup servers inside the facility, so your websites shall be functioning no matter what.